Saturday, September 23, 2006

texas barista jam

so we're on for the first barista jam i've ever been to. and i'm going to be the host! how did i ever decide i wanted to take on such a project? it's a rhetorical question, of course, but it's crazy/cool to think that in just under two months we'll be having what i hope is a cool jam deep in the heart of texas. i have no idea what i'm doing. and since i've never even been to a jam before, i have to rely on my own best thinking as to what will work and what will be cool.

the goal is 10 people. anywhere near that and i'll consider the event a screaming success. and the objective is mostly just to meet and greet all the other baristas around this great state and to put ourselves out there that we care about coffee and are willing to support each other in that pursuit. i don't give a flip about promoting my own company or making any money (we'll probably lose a bunch of it). i care about getting texas into the swing of the barista community and putting the rest of the community on notice that we intend to learn and grow and not be silent any longer.

i've set up a sign up sheet on my company website. look for the link on the left entitled "TX BARISTA JAM RSVP" for the latest.

hope to see you there.


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