Monday, January 15, 2007

oil and sweat

so as i mentioned earlier the reworked website is up. i've been toiling on it all weekend and i'm liking how it's shaping up. i still have to populate the 'links' page. other than that it's about done.

one thing i'm quite pleased with is the new and improved shopping cart. it has maps for the major growing regions, for the specific countries and the close up zoom shot (for about half the coffees thus far) is an actual shot of those beans. and i mean it gets really zoomy.

seems also that the most of the six or so beanshots i have up on the shopping cart site are slightly oiled to oiled beans. that's normal for the malabar. it's just best at that roast. the sumatra and java take lighter roasts; but the beans are now approaching a week and some of the oils have slightly eeked their way out of the beans, creating beads of 'sweat.'

i don't know why i'm bothering to discuss those details, except to say that brown prides itself on lighter roasts and these, though light, don't look as light as others. especially with the sumatra, note the lighter tones of the beans, yet there are still a couple stray beads. that takes some doing, folks.

whatever. go. look. comment here.

UPDATE: i have also begun posting some BROWN T-SHIRTS! more on that later. some of the details are here.


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